explore a new and exciting way to give towards our vision.
Why Donate Cryptocurrency To Jackson Interfaith Shelter?
Times have changed; 500 years ago, donating sheep, cows and bushels of apples would be the way to give money. Now, many give USD, others still give food (which is very appreciated), and some give the newest version of philanthropy, crypto. Thank you for considering using this modern form of giving. It’s much easier for us to put to use than shearing a sheep to make blankets.
Donating cryptocurrency directly to Jackson Interfaith Shelter is more tax-efficient than donating cash and can save you money. When you donate crypto, you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. Bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations are some of the most tax-efficient ways to support the individuals and families we serve here at JIS.
Cryptocurrency donations are powered by our trusted partner, The Giving Block. If you prefer to make your cryptocurrency donation directly on their site, visit our Giving Block crypto donation page. (I’ll have the hyperlink for this shortly.)